Poppi story when growing up
November 18, 2022 App Interview

Poppi's past of his childhood when he was growing up and lifestyle in that time period.

Interview with Grandma Candy

Grandma and I discussed her family history and life before me!

Interview with Grandma

I interviewed my Grandma. She seemed to have a lot of stories so I know she could answer a lot of questions and is good at conversations. I was thinking a few nights ago. I was thinking a few nights...

Grampa Swanson

Rob Swanson, at age 70, has a conversation with granddaughter Clara, age 17, remembering some of the best memories in his life.

Grandpa’s Birthday Interview

Today is my grandpa’s 72nd Birthday. To celebrate, I asked him several questions about his life as a kid and teenager and adult. We talked about how he grew up in a small town in the south and how he...