Growing up in Spafford, New York

Work hard and always ask for help to continue to learn about the world around you

My Mom’s story

My mom’s story of migrating to the United States from Mexico and explaining the difference between the two and how our lives were growing up without a dad.

Interviewing my Grandpa

Interviewing my grandfather, I ask him about his childhood, his relationship with my grandmother and my mom, and he ends with a word of advice to his great grandchildren.

Grandpa sicilian,we miss you!

we talked about how my dads dad was in life and how it would bring memories back

Judith Peavey and Sonia Kinkhabwala

Judith Peavey (71) shares her thoughts, feelings, and memories about her late husband's life and their relationship leading up to his diagnosis with dementia. Sonia Kinkhabwala (22) accompanies and listens to her stories.

Nonna: Reflections on Immigrating from Italy to NYC

I talked with my Nonna about her life in Italy, what is was like to immigrate to NY and raise a family here, and tried to solicite life advice from her.

Our Bubbe

Granddaughters asking their Bubbe about her life on Thanksgiving.