Kaylee Garcia

Asking about childhood, positive and negative experiences and future of Kaylee Garcia.

Practice GAI
September 24, 2018 App Interview

A small summary of Katie’s family and her life in St. Paul.

Understanding my dads life choices.

Sam, a loving father and husband discusses past events and shares important people in his life that shaped his identity. Through past adversities, he really got the chance to find himself and who he wanted to be.


we talked about my grandmothers childhood and coming of age.

Interview with Lleyton

We talked mostly about memories that we made and his childhood.

Linda Peterson

My grandma has had a very full and awesome life and she wants the future to know that to move forward we have to have kindness.

Interview with My Mom

My mom describes what she’s most grateful for in her life.

Kathleen Davies

This is an interview with Kathleen Davies about the life she has lived so far with her two kids and husband. She has worked in claims and lived in a close knit family.