Nana and Papa’s Life

I (Cora, 15) interviewed my mother’s parents, Nana (Bonnie, 70) and Papa (John, 70). They talked about their time growing up as well as raising my mother.

Interview with Nancy and Michael Anderson

Talked about many things including their parents, grandparents, what life was like growing up, school, holidays, and the military. Very interesting and learned a lot about my grandparents that I did not know.

Grandpa Tweets

Austin Stern interviews his grandfather Donald Scotten. They talk about his childhood life to going into the military and being a father and grandfather today. Donald also shares a little about the technology today and about his regrets in life.

Question’s for Grandparents

Jaden iterveiwing his grandparents WITH THEIR PERMISSION. And finding out things that weren’t known before.

Interview with my Grandparents

This interview is about my grandparents' lives over the years. Including their childhood and what's important to them.