Early Life (Pre-Castro)

My grandfather spoke of his life born in Camagüey and moving to havana and then his life going throughout up until Castro and my grandmother did about the same.

Jennifer’s life

My mom talks about her life growing up in rural New Hampshire, her experience in a Christian college in Chicago, and searching for meaning in life.

Ms. Macy

Ms. Macy and I talk about growing up, going to school, getting a job, and having a family.

Growing up alone

Michaelangelo growing up in a chaotic and unstable household, ending up in the foster system, and coming out of it all as a humble and successful human!

Dreams of the U.S.A.

In this interview, conducted on December 1st 2019, in Springfield, Missouri, Carson Wornig interviews his Swedish roommate named Henrik Lohman about his life and his desire to live in the U.S.A.

“It’s a Totally Different World”

We discuss childhood, friendships, and love. It's funny how the crazier parts of the interview happened when the recording stopped