Joseph William Eyles and Bill Keenan with Grady Gordon Sceals

Grady Sceals talks with former students Bill Keenan and Joe Eyles about his experiences growing up in Albany, attending Dougherty County Schools and returning to Albany after college and his Navy service to first teach in the Dougherty County School...

Interview between Julie Barefoot and Jason Barefoot

Jason Barefoot speaks with his mother about their most fond memories of Decatur, what makes someone or something "quintessentially Decatur" and, how Decatur has informed their life experiences.

Immigration Stories Malta: Tatiana & Anonymous 24, "I was back & forth to Malta 12 yrs ago. Then I brought my Mother & Daughter 5 yrs ago."

Tatiana, her mother, and her daughter all immigrated to Malta from the country of Georgia 5 years ago. Tatiana has hopes of immigrating to the U.S. or Canada in the future for a new and different life than she experienced...

Interview With a Southern Gentleman and Patriot

Uncle jimmy tells me about life growing up in the south during world war ll, collage stories, and being part of the navy for 3 years.

Lolly’s Life

This is an interview about the time spent in my grandmothers life. It includes her childhood, her time spent as a dancer with Andy Warhol, and the how the Vietnam war effected her life and the people around her.

Ralph’s Chipmunk and the Stupid Green Dress

In this interview, Katheryn Baldwin is asked by her daughter, Lily, to tell her a story about the dumbest thing Katheryn ever did. Tracing around a barely visible scar on her hand, Katheryn describes chasing after her cat Ralph, a...

Grandad’s 99th Birthday

We talked about Grandad’s 72 year marriage, his experiences during WW2, and life in small town Georgia.