A Talk With My Dad

My dad and I talk about his past and how he uses it today.


Interview with my 13 year old daughter

Thanksgiving Interview with my dad

I am interviewing my dad about how he met my mom and about when I was born.

Session 1 – My Mom Cheryl – Memories and Influences.

Interview from daughter of mother about her own childhood and influences. I learned a lot about my mom that I never knew.

An Interesting Life, by Sebastian

I interviewed my grandmother over Skype and asked her about life, she told me about how she was born in the war, and how it was like, the first person she loved, and many other things.

Regina Dijeau and how she lived her life

Today I interviewed my mom on her experience with life and she told me a lot of personal and fun details. She is a very good story teller and I believe there isn’t a dull moment in this interview. I...

Moments with my mother

This is interview is a conversation between me and my mother.

For My Loving Father

My dad is definitely one of the few people that I connect with interpersonally and have deep philosophical conversations with. I wanted him to share part of his story with me and the rest of humanity.