Tammy Randall tells about her family and her life growing up

This interview was taken in Gastonia, North Carolina on November 26, 2017. Jessica Randall interviewed her mother Tammy Randall. They discussed Tammy's life growing up and her family. They also talked about her career and her happiest memories.

HM1 Junior Perez

This interview takes a peak into the life of a Bronx sailor born and raised, and his journey through the United States Navy.


Talked about life and about how life is going and what are his plans for the future

Ella and Betty

I interviewed my mom about what her life was like when she was my age and in high school

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In this interview, see how it is like to be a high school teacher, the struggles, the relationship you make, the experiences as a teacher. Ms. Graves tells a bit about her story of why she wanted to become a...