Youth in Asia

While attending the University of Hawaii, Bobby was not very interested in school, and frequently missed class to go surfing. One day when he did go to class, he heard his teacher tell the class that their paper on euthanasia...

Robert Resnick and Audrey Resnick

Bob Resnick (87) talked with his daughter-in-law Audrey Resnick (61) about his childhood memories in Los Angeles, his courtship and marriage to Renee, and his experiences in the Navy Reserve, stationed in Hawaii (while Hawaii was still a territory).

Changes in the community.

My dad’s experience in transitioning from a mainland style to a mentality of Aloha in Hawaii.

Hawaii Inside Out

A conversation about Hawaii between a tourist and new resident during the 2022 holiday season

Clara and Greg Talk About Greg’s Life Experiences

Clara and Greg talk about Greg's life piece by piece to put together the story of Greg's life in Clara's mind. They discuss everything from school to jobs and all of the life that happened in between. Clara asked Greg...