Aimee Adelmann, Laura Ellsworth, and Kristyna Wentz-Graff

Aimee Adelmann (32) and Laura Ellsworth (41) talk about the experience of having had kidney transplants with donated kidneys from their fathers. They talk about how the transplants have shaped their lives, the experience of being sick during their twenties,...

Anna Wittel and Brad Haynes

One Small Step conversation partners Anna (43) and Brad (51) have a conversation about their lives, including careers, hobbies, experiences with bus breakdowns, and perspectives on aging. They find commonalities in their winding career paths and bonds through shared stories...

Slowing Down with Alyssa

As an educator and entrepreneur, Hashimoto's disease and environmental illness made Alyssa face human limits long before the coronavirus outbreak forced us to shelter-in-place. She talks about self care in a revolutionary way because learning to reconcile her passion with...

Randy White and Ryan Jacobsen

One Small Step conversation partners Randy White (65) and Ryan Jacobsen (42) talk about the importance of community engagement and their commitment to both urban and rural Fresno.