David Thomas Griffore – Journalism

My grandfather shares his wisdom and past experiences... kind of like a story of events.

Maximo J Dumpit Interview with Mother

I have recorded my mom and I basically asked her questions about life

Happy times

Aunt Maggie discusses her childhood and notes the differences between life now and when she was a youth.

Mother/daughter interview

We talked about growing up, school, tennage jobs, teenage years, how life is different now than it was back in the 80s/90s, jobs, and money. Overall I think my mom gives some really good advice/statements throughout the interview.


I interviewed my dad because mr maheu told me to

Service learning interview with my grandma

An interview with my grandma learning about her life. Filled with traveling, past memories, and advice for the future.

Sibling interview

My sister talked about why she liked going to school, why her family is her greatest influence, how she wants people to remember her for her heart and to give wisdom about life to people listening.