Grandad Ira's view on selective service.

For a school assignment I needed to interview my grandfather and ask him some questions about the draft for Vietnam, he never served but hes always been an opinionated man so I figured his interview would be very interesting.

Sundra Flansburg and Robin Bumbera

One Small Step partners, Sundra Flansburg (63) and Robin Bumbera (60), share about their experience as mothers, what they find important, and how visiting Central American and Caribbean countries have shaped their views about politics and poverty.

Beyond the Block Ep.3 – 3400 Malcolm X Blvd

My hometown of South Dallas serves as the basis for my work as an artist. Every location I chose to depict "what it's like to live in the hood" is connected to a friend or family member I questioned about...

Take a leap of faith

If you are willing to take chances in life, not let fear hold you back, you can use your life experience to help you achieve things you could never have previously dreamed of doing!