“What trait do you see in yourself that you passed down to me?”

My brother and my mom have been very close, and they talked to each other a lot more often and more easily than I talked to my mom. My brother has moved out and with that my mom and I...

Interview with Linda Jacobs

An interview with my grandmother, Linda Faye Marlin Jacobs, about her life, career, marriage, and family.

What Music Taught Me About Family

My father, Tommy Carter, has lived and breathed music his whole life. But what has life on the road really taught him? Was touring really what he expected? Through this interview, I discovered how living life on the road teaches...

Questions for Papa

This is an interview i made with my grandpa on Thanksgiving, November 28, 2019. We talked about his military life and some things about his childhood and family life.

John Coleman

In this interview, I talked with my dad, John Coleman. We recalled memories from his childhood and conversed about family.