SOC 110 Socialization Interview

I interview my classmate Philip on adults that have had large impacts on his life, positive and negative moments that have shaped him, and his values and hopes for the future.

Interviewing my grandma about her life

Special guest talks about her childhood and experiences in India, her job experience, and her transition from India to America. My grandma can’t speak English fluently so I will be translating what she is saying.

The great thanksgiving listen

On November 26th, I talked with my mother, Karen Wong in our home at Bayside, New York. During the interview, we talked about her childhood in China and what it was like to change lifestyles into America. She told me...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked our family, what we were grateful for, and what we were happy about.

Interviewing My Wife For School

We discussed my wife's family, her work experience, and her thoughts on COVID.

Great Thanksgiving Interview

I talked with my uncle about what he has learned in life and what he is most grateful for.

Interview with my Dad

Discussing how I was born, the story of my dad meeting my mom, and my dad’s parents

My Awesome Uncle Richard Sawyers

The life of my wonderful Uncle Richard Sawyers