Claire McCoy and George Black

Claire McCoy (58) sits down with her father, George Black (86), to ask him about his experiences as an actor and his career as a professor in the theater departments of various universities.

What Music Taught Me About Family

My father, Tommy Carter, has lived and breathed music his whole life. But what has life on the road really taught him? Was touring really what he expected? Through this interview, I discovered how living life on the road teaches...

Bo Bartlett and Betsy Eby

Spouses Bo Bartlett (65) and Betsy Eby (54) sit down for a conversation about how their respective childhood homes have influenced who they are today, the inspiration behind each of their artistic styles, and the role that the Bo Bartlett...

Patty Devery and Justin Cummins

One Small Step conversation partners Patty (40) and Justin (32) have a conversation about their recent weddings, dogs, and families. They bond over both getting married recently and having connections to Chicago. Justin describes his large wedding in Savannah, while...

Learning about my grandmas history and what she became of it.

Donovan Shaw (16) interviews his grandma Paulette Shaw (70). They discussed the struggles of being African American (5:35). Paulette talked about growing up in Alabama and moving to Michigan. The change was different for her. She discussed meeting the love...

Brynn McCormick and Robert Tavares

One Small Step conversation partners Brynn McCormick (20) and Robert Tavares (33) have a conversation about their backgrounds, political views, and perspectives on various social issues. They find common ground in being open-minded and appreciate learning from each other's differing...