What Music Taught Me About Family

My father, Tommy Carter, has lived and breathed music his whole life. But what has life on the road really taught him? Was touring really what he expected? Through this interview, I discovered how living life on the road teaches...

Oral History of the Sixties Interview

Izzy Ruffer (16) and Brooklyn Collins (17) talk with Izzy's grandpa, David Ruffer (86) about his childhood, life experiences, education, and general life during the 1960's.

A Master of Music

Jim Cunningham, Born 1933 is a man of many professions. When Lucas Grey joined by his Uncle Jim Cunningham sat down at a piano for an interview. Jim Cunningham grew up in the small town of Belpre Ohio, and was...

Nolan Lawhorne, 18, Music Therapy
December 1, 2022 App Interview

Dakota Bryant, 18 years old, interviewing Nolan Lawhorne, 18 years old, about music, band, and everything revolving that.

Sarah Gray & Jack Delaney, Blood Transfusion Recipient & Formerly Anonymous Blood Donor "Everyone deserves it."

Sarah Gray, age 47, (Washington DC) blood transfusion recipient, interviews Jack Delaney (61), one of the 10 anonymous strangers who donated 1 of the units of the blood she received during childbirth in 2010. "I'd like to make a new...

Learning about my grandmas history and what she became of it.

Donovan Shaw (16) interviews his grandma Paulette Shaw (70). They discussed the struggles of being African American (5:35). Paulette talked about growing up in Alabama and moving to Michigan. The change was different for her. She discussed meeting the love...