Holocaust survivor speaks about journey from Austria to the U.S

My grandma Trude was eleven years old when she and her parents escaped from Austria in the early 1940’s, on one of the last boats to the U.S. Her entire extended family perished in the concentration camps except a couple...

Ben Wick and Felice Padma Wick

Ben Wick talks with his mother, Padma Wick, about the journey of her family to the US from Austria during World War II.

Odette Cook and Daniel Moore

The story of Odette's childhood and family history, beginning with her family's emigration from Hungary to France, her move to London, and then the United States.

World War 2 – Inge

Inge talked about her mother’s journey across Europe near the end of the war as her and her family were fleeing the Russians advance.

Ross Goff Memories of Great Depression and WWII, July 12, 1997

Ross Goff (1922-2000) recalled his childhood in Tunnelton and Morgantown, WV during the Great Depression. He served in the U.S. Army Mar 1944 - Mar 1946 in Co K, 11th Regt, 3rd Platoon, 3rd Squad. Fought in four campaigns, including...

Isabel and Grace Carlson LHP

Grace and Isabel(16) interview their grandmother about her father’s family, immigration, and experiences in America, and our Grandfather talks about about his family too.