Sadaf Imran and her struggles in the Medical Field

I interviewed my aunt who is a foreign medical doctor and talk about her struggles in achieving her degree being married young and having kids young. Furthermore, we discuss her adjustment from a Muslim medical doctor in Pakistan to being...

Sarah Flynn and Michael Collins

Sarah Flynn, a social work student, and Michael collins discussed social justice issues within the U.S. immigration system.

Old Coach Keeps On Coaching

The Guinness World Record holder Elan Buller, was interviewed my Luca España on November 17th 2017. Elan Buller had once been the elementary school physical education coach for Luca, between his 1st and 6th grade years. Luca and Buller became...

Mugshots: Lindsey and Christine Jancay

Mother and daughter, Christine and Lindsey, have made it a tradition to come to Musikfest every year. Christine loves the food and music, and Lindsay shares how Musikfest helped her discover a love and interest in history and Bethlehem's storied...

Social Justice Related to Immigration

Chatting with a close friend about her immigration experience