The Love of my Parents

I ask my parents about their lives together since they were teenagers & how they thought it’d turn out compared to how life actually is today.

Brenda talks about marriage and divorce.

In this interview, Brenda Kamigaki will talk about her marriage to Richard. She will also talk about the divorce she went through with him, and how it affected her as a person. She will also talk about her marriage to...

Interviewing my Grandfather

My grandfather talks about his life in the Navy, what it was like as a child, and what his life was like after his service.

English III Project

Life experiences and football. Also how my grandma and him meet.

Robert Luck and Jeff Cohen

Robert talks about meeting his wife, Ellen, in Hawaii where they both grew up. He also talks about what he has learned about himself to his marriage, being a father, being a social worker and now volunteer.

Getting to know my Mom

I interviewed my mom and asked her to share a few things about her life.

Norman Walker and Jeffrey Walker

Jeffrey Walker (54) interviews his father, Norman Walker (89), about his career in the U.S. Navy and the University of Idaho Extension, as well as about the advice that he'd like to pass on to future generations of their family.

Marriage Psychology

This is an interview or my parents who have been married for around 28 years.

Robert Hirem Catlett part 2

Talking through some memories, favorite, difficult and fond. Then looked to the future of our family.

Finding My Purpose

My mother, Josephine Castelli, who was born in Italy speaks about her journey to the United States. She tells her story about learning English while going to school. She tells about her job as a makeup artist and hairdresser, and...

Nana and Papa Thanksgiving story

From Childhood to having Grandkids, Nana and Papa discuss all the ins and out of having children, living in Hawaii and our family balance

TheGreatListen2018-Izzy Skov

We talked about what their childhood was like. We also talked about their married life and raising kids together, and eventually grandchildren.

My grandpa

Me and my grandpa Richard Riha talked about his life story on Monday April 23rd 2018. He told me how he lived it and what made it great and what made his life worth living is definitely the family he...

Kap and Mom
November 27, 2018 App Interview

My mother and I talked about our her childhood as well as her experience raising three children. I got the chance to hear an embarrassing story about myself as a young child and she told me how that experience made...

Blind Date Romance

Almost 50 years as spouses, Marianna (78) and Bill Roberts (76) share the story of how they met on a blind date in 1972. They got married two and a half years later after only spending about 7 weeks together...

Experiences in life

That no matter what you be yourself, and be brave when you meet other people. In the past was very different than in times right now because back then you couldn’t do a lot than now.

The Story Of My Dad’s Life

My dad talks about his life as a child and his experiences throughout life overall including his migration to America. Also, he talks about what I was like as a child and what he would like in the future.

Progress and Paradox

John told me about his life and how he grew up in Japan and was involved in the Marines. He told me all about his family and the impact that they have had in his life. He was a very...