"All of my memories of my sister are good memories"
January 10, 2017 App Interview

Sandy Fischer reflects on the death of her sister, Cary Anne, from cervical cancer. Sandy's son Joe also shares his memories of his aunt and her illness.

"No woman has to die from cervical cancer"
January 18, 2017 App Interview

Branda Kent describes her daughter's diagnosis as a "wake up call," that encouraged her to become more educated about HPV and cervical cancer prevention. She has made it her mission to help educate others about the importance of screening and...

Nancy Saad on Julian Saad

Mom going through treatment for metastatic stage IV breast cancer discussing her son’s role as her Caregiver


Asked my dad when he first arrived to the US, when he finally became legalizaed, and when he got his first car and house.

Mom and her brain…
November 27, 2017 App Interview

This interview is about Marina Mesa and her dysfunctional brain....

Gastroparesis: An Hardly Detectable Illness

This interview is about Alicia M. Barber, my mother, age 47, who has gastroparesis. I am her interviewer, Victoria Burrus, age 18. Gastroparesis is a serious health condition that is very hard to detect.

Dagmar Ebaugh and Sandy S.

One Small Step partners Dagmar Ebaugh (55) and Sandy S. (55) have a conversation where they explore the life experiences that have shaped their political views. As children, they both moved often, which they believe gave them perspective on different...

Prostate Cancer in the African-American Community

Leroy Harmon Jr talks about his experience with prostate cancer and the effects it has on him and the black community.