Interviewing the person I’ve know my whole life… but I don’t really know, my mom

For a school project we had to interview someone in our lives and I choose my mom, so this is that a whole 45 minuets of a child and a mother learning more about one another!

My Mom

We talk about how the world has changed, her happiest memorie, family traditions, and her greatest accomplishment.

Great Depression/Recession Interview

This is an interview with my father on the Great Depression and how it and the recession affected my family.

How well does my best friend know me?

I asked my friend 7 questions about me to see how well she actually knows me. She did pretty well, only missed a part of one question.

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles the day after confirming they are having a baby

The Great Thanksgiving Listen: Kowanda Stroud

In this interview my grandmother covers stories of our family, the love of her life, and advice for years to come.