Uncle Dr. Seuss

My father Kirk Stephens and his brother Doug Stephens spoke about their uncle Dr. Seuss and shared childhood memories about him.

Part two of interview for RRS 110

This was part two. We talked about sports and fitness but got side track on his passion which is writing. I ended up asking a bunch of questions about that because I got very interested in it.

Mikayla Hedrick and Melvin Hamel

One Small Step conversation partners Melvin "Mel" Hamel (75) and Mikayla Hedrick (28) have a conversation on the importance of faith, religion, and principles, their political views and opinions, and how their careers have shaped their lives and beliefs.

FYS Interview about the theme of a workplace with Dr. Sarah Chavez by Jozlend Tucker

I interviewed Dr. Sarah for my First Year Seminar class at Marshall University. Our FYS class has been focusing on critical thinking and how thoughtfully developed and artfully asked questions can lead to enriching and enlightening stories. Frank Sesno's book...

Genuine at Heart

Elizabeth is going to touch on memories from California and when she came to Utah. She is going to talk about how much she loves school and why she chose this specific job. I interviewed my college advisor and I...

Amy Anderson and Anastasia Hipkins

Sisters Amy Anderson (62) and Anastasia Hipkins (59) share a conversation about the importance of family, Anastasia's work as an author, and the life lessons they have learned.