The great thanksgiving listen

I talked to my mamaw about life. We discussed the ups and downs and the joys

American experience interview (hw)

I interviewed my mom because she is an immigrant and I asked her questions to get to know her story.

Dick Man and Isabella Man

Dick Man talks with his granddaughter, Isabella Man, about his life after leaving China.

Christmas 2017 – Our Parents

An interview for our parents, about our parents.

Interview with my aunt

This is basically an interview with my aunt about her life experiences, past memories, and her story, I definitely learned a lot from this interview


How it was for my mom growing up with immigrated parents

G pa Dave at Thanksgiving
November 26, 2018 App Interview

Grandpa Dave shares with me memories from his childhood.

Nyah Joudeh and Crystal Jarrouge talk about Crystal’s childhood, family, and thoughts on legacy.

In this interview, conducted on November 26, in Greenville, South Carolina, Nyah Joudeh interviews her second cousin, Crystal Jarrouge, about her memories, beliefs, and thoughts. Nyah prompts Crystal to talk about her childhood including her favorite memory and those who...


What was takes about was some life memories.