Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

Megan McGinley interviews her father, Brendan McGinley, on his life aspirations, inspirations, and memories.

The following interview was conducted by Megan McGinley. She interviewed her father Brendan McGinley on December 6, 2017 in their home living room in Evergreen Park, Illinois. Megan is a 16-year-old girl and a junior student at Mother McAuley High...

Interview w/ my Grandmother

I have an interview with my grandmother and we talk about her life in Mexico. I ask her questions such as who in her life has influenced her the most and what she thinks of the U.S compared to Mexico....

Mommy’s Words

Hello my name is Maria Espinoza, and in this audio I am interviewing my mom, Nidia Soto. We talked about my life as a child and now as a teenager. We also talked about how becoming a parent changed her...

The Struggles of Immigration
January 22, 2020 App Interview

From Mexico to the United States, Olivia Lopez has stayed brave and fearless. Olivia has been my house-keeper since I was born and would always take care of me as a baby. In minute 8 of the interview by Emmy...

Growing up in the 1970’s

Just how different do you believe the 70’s were? To answer your question they are very different. The people did not even dress the same as people now. Imagine living in a time where there was so little technology that...

Natalia Horcasitas and Richard Horcasitas

Natalia Horcasitas (40) and her brother Richard Horcasitas (43) share memories of growing up in Yuma and having a tight knit community of neighbors and friends.

Life about my father

This interview is my father and his life here in the Unided States. He wanted to add this in the interview but didnt g et a chance to, so some th ing he wanted to say was that "For everyone...

1967a – Loren & Veneta Lesher

Loren (age 94) and Veneta (age 90) have been married over 70 years. They are sharing stories from each year of their lives together. This interview covers the year 1967.