An Interview With My Mother Gloria Cota #mbhsstories

This is an interview with my mother Gloria about the importance of family and what it means to her

Personal Narrative Interview

Our teacher, Ms.Kosover assigned us to interview our partner and ask about the topic, they chose for their personal narrative and other questions.

Past, Present, & Future- Family Interview

I first began this interview with my mom, Thuy Huynh. She told me about her life back in Vietnam and how she migrated to the U.S. Around 2005, she was diagnosed with diabetes and has now been working very hard...

An Interview With My Grandparents- Laura Holmes

My grandparents talk about their lives before they met each other as well as what it has been like to be married to each other for 61 years

Interview with my mom

This interview was with my mom. We talked about her life before she moved to the United States, her childhood, and ancestory.

My Papa Jack

My papa Jack says he is very boring, but to me, I always love learning about about him. He told me about my mom, how he loved school and his jobs.