Interviewing my grandma about her life

Special guest talks about her childhood and experiences in India, her job experience, and her transition from India to America. My grandma can’t speak English fluently so I will be translating what she is saying.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen Assignment

I interviewed Hayley on her childhood, accomplishments, most fond and vivid memories, and other aspects of growing up. 20 years is definitely an in-between age where you're exploring your independence yet still feel like a child at times. It was...

Serious Chairs Interview with Dad

Son asks Dad questions before going back to college for finals and getting a winter job

My Interview

We talked about what it was like growing up and his job/time in the military.

Ally Barth- Interview with Josh Barth

This interview contains a recording of my brother and I. I am asking him some questions about his current life, his past, and his hopes and dreams. We talk about who has influenced him, his dream career, and advice that...

Dad’s adventures

Vijai Singh, my dad, talks about some of his wildest adventures growing up as a child, along with the challenges he had to face.

Thanksgiving Listen w/Papa Don

Don Nolan, 74, talked about his early childhood and his lifelong career. He also revealed one of his "cowboy" stories.