interview with my dad

Horacio Padilla talks about his life. From early school life to working long term in engineering.

The Great Thanksgiving Interview

Me and my mom talked about her and my dad. We talked about how they met and all the fun times they've been through. I also asked her about herself and influential people in her life.

My grandpa/Jose Plascencia story

In this interview my grandpa talks about his life as a child and his family. He will be speaking in English and Spanish.

A thanksgiving interview

This thanksgiving I got the opportunity to talk with my grandma about things I wouldn’t have ever known if it weren’t for this app

Dad at nearly 50

Getting to know my dad’s childhood in Spanglish. From San Rafael, a small ranch near Huejucar, Jalisco, Mexico to Southern California and three very American daughters. He talks about life lessons and loss.

Interview with my Pops

Nice interew with my pops going through times in his life

AP Human Geography 2nd Term Project

This is a recording of myself interviewing my loving father. In this, he talks about his influences, childhood, hobbies, and family. I think it is very interesting to learn more about him and things he has to say.