Identity and Faith: Growing Up Gay in the LDS Church

Tracey Fluegel (55) tells her son Oliver Fluegel-Murray (18) about her young adulthood after growing up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going into her struggles in discovering her sexuality and identity while in a culture that...

Ed Flahavan

A brief look at the three lives of a social justice activist, former priest and ex-communicated Catholic. My grand uncle, Ed Flahavan, reflects on his formative years, spirituality, and family.

The Day My Parents Told Stories

Rhonda Lancaster interviews her parents, Ron and Julie (Yackel) Allen, at her home with Jim Lancaster. They talk about how they met and married, their early life together, and then what they remember about the early years with children.

John Bipes

Dad’s life growing up in Southern Minnesota, Being drafted into the military police, his young married life and his growth in the Lutheran faith.