Sydney Walsh and Her Story

Sydney Walsh explains to me her childhood and what it was like growing up in a small town. She includes information about her life in college and aspiring career to become a dentist. She also has stories to share about...

The Effect of Growing Up with a Sick Parent

Gabe Thompson interviewing Judy Thompson on the effect of growing up with a sick parent. Interview for IWC 100 under W. Scott Olsen at Concordia College - Moorhead, Minnesota.

Medical History

Chantelle Schmidt talks with her mother, Jamie Schmidt, about her medical background and history in the field.

Byron Walker Interview

Byron Walker, Head Coach of the Archbishop McCarthy High School Football team talks a little bit about his passions for coaching and his love for working with the young men.

Culture split

Multicultural advantages and disadvantages from a dual citizen. The interview was done in Concordia chapel.

Learning stories from Mrs. Schmidt

Mrs. Schmidt had a husband who sadly died. But she said that before he died of a sickness she was in the senior choir. She dropped out to take care of her husband. But she had said that he had...