The Korean War

The Korean War in the point of view of a South Korean soldier

Korean War Interview

We talked about why he decided to fight in the U.S. army. We also talked a lot about his experiences during the span of the war.

What the old man had to say.

I Tyler Gleason talked with my Grandfather Jim Gleason on how his life was and a lot about who he was. We got to talk about sad topics such as his grandfather and also happy topics like him going to...

Interviw with Rodolfo Chavez

In this interview I talked about Rodolfo Chavez and his past.The story of him being in the koera war.This story also includes how it affected him.

Memories of a teenager in war time and an ancestor of the pilgrims at Thanksgiving

I interviewed my 87 year old grandfather at Thanksgiving, right after the birth of my daughter - his first great grandchild. We discussed his memories of volunteering as a teenager in World War II efforts on the home front, his...