Victoria Cheung and Sipeng Zhang Discuss Coping with the Climate Crisis

Victoria Cheung and Sipeng Zhang, classmates in the University of Michigan's SEAS program, discuss the climate crisis and what coping techniques can help with this challenge.

Morgan and Sam discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Sam shared different ways that he copes with stress or anxiety surrounding the climate crisis. We discussed feasible ways that individuals can take action in the present moment to promote their well-being and combat attentional fatigue. Sam suggested that neighborhoods...

Taras Chicz and Isabel Mezei discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Taras and Isabel discuss the associations with stress and attention fatigue that the climate crisis has. Coping mechanisms, and emotional challenges were also discussed.

Will and Allison discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Alli Kasparek (21) talks with Will Dormer (21) about how the climate change and resource descent problems affect a neighborhood's resilience and contribute to feelings of attentional fatigue and stress. They discuss possible solutions to the feelings of anxiety, including...

Tessa Holz and Corryn Hilligan Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

Tessa Holz: 2021-11-18 21:24:20 Tessa Holz (20) talks to her classmate Corryn Hilligan (18) about dealing with the stress and fatigue caused by the climate crisis.

Allison and Mrinalini discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 15, 2021 App Interview

Alli Kasparek (21) talks with team member, Mrinalini Gupta (20), about ways for people to cope with climate change, resource descent, and the climate anxiety created by both. Alli shares the power of engagement and active living in coping with...

McKinley and Jordan discuss preparing for the climate emergency

We discuss how climate change can impact stress and directed attention fatigue and how that may influence our ability to address the climate crisis. In addition, we discussed how we can shape our environments and our behavior to cope with...

Shelby and Brandon discuss preparing for the climate emergancy

We discussed the concept of preparing for an emergency and how her family prepares. In addition we discuss how as a researcher she prepares for an emergency on site

William Lowry and Nicole Planken discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 15, 2021 App Interview

Nicole and I have a conversation regarding the climate crisis and resource descent. Drawing from both personal experience and class materials, Nicole shares her findings on how to keep calm and carry on.

Destiny Mitchell and Riley List discuss preparing for the Climate Emergency

Destiny and Riley touch on the relationships between attention, stress, and the climate crisis and resource descent. They also discuss how coping mechanisms can be used to improve resilience and the well-being of everyday people. Many of these concepts are...