Interview with my Dad at the Hospital

Recently my Dad suffered a severe stroke, causing him to lose function of his left side, and landing him an intensive rehab hospital. This is a conversation between him and I as he prepares to return home.

Thanksgiving Listen

My mother and I talked about her life in the 90s. We also talked about the future of our lives.

Jeff’s interview with g-ma

We talked about all that happened as my grandma grew up.

Geraldine Taylor and James Taylor

James "Jim" Taylor (75) speaks with his wife, Geraldine "Geri" Taylor (77), about her experience living with Dementia. They discuss finding the joy in every day living and their hopes for the future.

Building a Better Life

My grandma shares a little about her life and how it has shaped her into the loving and compassionate person she is today! She also shares some of her wisdom on aging. This is a very special interview to me...

Creativity and aging

I i terviewed my sororities hous mom on her creativity experiences throughout her life. We talked about aging and how againg has changed ger perception of creativity.

Steve Desroches and Adam Peck

Steve Desroches (47) and Adam Peck (84) have a rather philosophical discussion shortly after Adam's 84th birthday and on his 41st wedding anniversary about life, the passing of time, and the rhythms and patterns in life, if there even are...

Growing up in the South: Interview with Joanne Taylor (King) part 1

Joanne talks about growing up in the King family near Danville, KY in the 1940s and 50s. She covers sharecropping, tobacco farming, farm life, valuable lessons, hard work, and good and bad times in the process.

Hailey (17) interviewing Crystal (Mom, 39)
November 27, 2017 App Interview

l got a brief overview of what life was like when she was growing up. l got to know another side of my grandparents, her life and how it has changed, and how she became who she is today.

Economic Injustice Within the Healthcare System in Regards to the Aging Population & Lack of Insurance

This interview goes over the different aspects that goes into healthcare in terms of socioeconomic status and access to health insurance specifically focusing on the aging population. Alana gives much insight about the importance of education for underserved populations in...

Oscar Bolda and Maria Bolda

Husband and wife, Oscar Bolda (61) and Maria Teresa Bolda (62), talk about their marriage and working in the medical field both in the U.S. and the Philippines.

growing up
December 2, 2019 App Interview

Talked about her life and how it has changed and how it had been growing up through out her life

Interview mom

Discussed what she has enjoyed in her life

A Conversation with Diane Goldman, Manisha Shahani, and Devon.
December 11, 2022 App Interview

Diane, Manisha, and Devon talk about The Villages of San Mateo County, parenting, aging, and more.

Why Leonie Batkin volunteers for the Villages
December 10, 2022 App Interview

Leonie volunteers for the Villages of San Mateo County to give back after her experience caring for her mother.

Interview with a Nurse about aging.

Interview with my colleague at Sheppard Pratt as she is preparing to retire.

Healthy Aging

Interviewing Cecile Rundlett, a current nurse, about aging gracefully.

Great thanksgiving listen

We talked about her life while she was growing up.

My mom’s interview

Her childhood and experiences growing up

Getting Old

A mother and daughter talk about aging, getting older, growing up.