Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

Growing up in the 1970’s

Just how different do you believe the 70’s were? To answer your question they are very different. The people did not even dress the same as people now. Imagine living in a time where there was so little technology that...

mom Storycorps essay

My name is Tyler Badame, 20, and I interviewed my mother, Shawn Badame, 49. We discussed the following questions: What are you proudest of in your life? (Best Questions) How has your life been different than you had imagined? (Best...

Daughterisms vs Motherisms

A conversation between a mother and daughter who realize they aren’t so different after all, despite all of the bumps along the way.

Sharon Strus: Selfless Mother, Former Catholic Nun, & Polka Accordion Star. The story of a life of humble choices & great outcomes.

Sharon's storied life starts in Michigan, shipping off to the convent at age 13, finding herself in her 20s, then marrying a Polish bus driver in her 30s, and starting a new life chapter. Gain the wisdom of a woman...

A Mother’s Short Story

Mother's favorite memories and experiences in life. Talks about her happiest moments and regrets.