Ali & Zahraa

This was an interview passed on many questions I asked my Husband.

Interview with Dr. Merritt

Interview with Dr. Merritt talking about race/ethnicity in youth programs.

Interviewing grandma

Best family Time I’ve spent with my gramma

Great Thanksgiving Listen

This interview was about family and learning what time was like when my dad was living, and pieces of advice

Storycorps Great Thanksgiving Listen

I asked my interviewee about her childhood memories, relationship with her parents, lessons she’s learned throughout school and work, how she met her husband, why she chose to live in Esko, how she wants to be remembered, and what she...

Jack Krause and Molly Lattimer

Interviews for peac 200 Jack Krause interview: 0:00-15:12 Molly Lattimer Interview: 15:13-44:52

Talk with Zoë Williams

Today we are interviewing Zoë Williams, and getting an inside look as to who she is.