Michael Dean and Diane Knibbs

One Small Step conversation partners Diane Knibbs (66) and Michael Dean (56) discuss their upbringings, relationships, their faith, racism in their communities, being informed citizens and extreme and moderate views.

Dad: unforgettably dorky

This is an interview held by Jillian (17) and her Dad, Jim (57). In this interview they talk about life, college, and how happiness can be found in every situation or circumstance you come across.

Italian-American Family in 1950’s Detroit

Marilyn Davidson shares stories of growing up in her low-income Italian-American family in Detroit.


My father grew up in an area outside of St. Louis without many Jews so at times it was difficult and he often encountered many acts of anti-semitism. Looking back on his experiences, he recalls the key ideals that made...

Judy Weisman and Jack Rosenhammer

One Small Step conversation partners Jack Rosenhammer (33) and Judy Weisman (80) discuss their concerns about polarization, whether our democracy is at risk, and if they consider themselves "optimists."