Zaynah Project- F Block History

This recording is about a teenage girl asking questions to her grandmother during Thanksgiving

Thomas ask’s about his grandpa’s experiences on Hilton head island

I talked with my grandfather who I call pop pop about his life. He told me about our family heritage and his life growing up. He also talked about my dad, who is his son. It was a very good...

Great Thanksgiving Listen with Grandmommy

My grandmommy talked about her life growing up and also happy, sad and proudest moments of her life

Interview with my mom

I did an interview with my mom. It is about 15 minutes long

Aiden Briesacher and Kelly Barnes

Aiden Briesacher: 2020-11-29 21:07:51 Aiden Briesacher (17) speaks with her Aunt, Kelly Barnes (50), about her life. Travel experiences in India, Japan, London, China, Australia and more as well as childhood memories, life in different countries, and a surprise reveal...

Susan Grubb

How my mom feels about everything she’s done

Amarachi Nwogu and Aunty Oromeni

Amarachi Nwogu: 2020-12-31 23:53:24 High school senior Amarachi Nwogu and her Aunty Oromeni discuss Aunty Oromeni's life. They discuss Oromeni Olayiwole's passions, motivations, and hopes for the future. Amarachi also gets insight into her youth life and activities. Through discussion,...