My Grandmother (Carole Fitser) Interview

This is just an interview of my grandmothers life growing up and what her jobs and childhood were like. She also answers questions about life in general.

My grandma, Cheryl Grashow

I asked my grandma about her life and how she lived it.

The tale of best friends in the 60s era

This interview was about the strong bond between two friends that lasted a life time.

The life of Tihanna Mccleese

This interview was a normal one got to understand more about Tihanna.

Extra Credit Interview

We talked mostly about coach Smith’s life like some of his happiest/ favorite memories. We also talked about advise he would give others and we talked about what he would change if he could go back.

“Life is good, enjoy it”

This interview is with my grandmother explaining how life was for her growing up