Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

Stevie Merino & Angela Marith

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum

Vinny Fox & Henry Fox

Vinny knew from an early age they were non-binary. They didn't have the language, but knew that in their conservative city in Georgia, being non-binary meant being ostracized and punished. It wasn't until college that they had any positive gender...

Jami Gramore & Scott Acord

Jami, is an only child for their adopted parents and has a complicated relationship with them mainly because of their gender identity of queer/nonbinary. Throughout their life they have struggled with depression and anxiety, but are working through it with...

John Lee & Quinn Riddle

Longtime friends, John (41) and Quinn (40), sit to talk about their time in the Peace Corps. How the Peace Corps changed them and the friendships and gifts they received from their time in service.

Jane Hopke & Scott Acord

Jane, a self-described pansexual with ADHD, grew up in an ultra conservative family with a professor for a father. An awkward child, unable to achieve perfection in school or meet her parents’ other unobtainable standards, Jane turned to food and...

Carmen Marshall & Bentley Fox

Carmen opened up with Bentley about a negative experience she had when she took her trans son to seek healthcare. Wanting to ensure that never happened again, Carmen became an advocate for her son's healthcare along with others who needed...

Sam Pelger & Erin Pelger

Erin talks with her son Sam about his coming out as trans. The hard conversations, the obstacles, and his desire to live openly and honestly. Getting to start testosterone and living as the person he has always been. Sam knows...

Gwendolyn Patefield and Ian Stanley Posada

Gwendolyn shares her coming out as transgender story with Ian and even though it has costs her jobs, relationships, her home and for a time caused her to live in crisis, but being correctly gendered makes it all worthwhile

Carmen Marshall & Elbe

Carmen and Elbe met a few months prior at a support group Elbe started for parents of LGBTQ kids in their conservative town. They’re both parents of a transgendered child. Carmen talks about what she has learned and the support...