Mason Cohen and Phillip McFarland

Mason Cohen, a high school student, discusses the childhood and childhood experiences for one of his educators, Phillip McFarland (Mr.McFarland).

Julie Kaufman and Beth Wright for Stonewall OutLoud

Beth and Julie tell Karen about falling in love at Oberlin College, moving to California and later Chicago for graduate school, finding a welcoming Episcopalian church, having a ceremony, beginning their journey to have children during the AIDS epidemic, becoming...

Interview with Gary at Openhouse

Gary’s experience coming into his gay identity in his hippie days in San Francisco.

Steve Desroches and Anthony Hand

Steve Desroches (48) talks to his friend Anthony Hand (54) about their friendship, drag queens and Hand's movie "Maxxie LaWow", an animated film about a drag super-shero.

A Conversion with an Iranian- American LGBTQ Couple: Danny and Ardalan

An insight into the life of an Iranian-American LGBTQ couple. Life in Germany versus the US as Iranian LGBTQ’s. Danny and Ardalan’s historical family business and their work running one of the first Iranian LGBTQ nonprofit organizations.