Shawn Sorbom and Mary Sloper

Mary Sloper (78) talks to Shawn Sorbom (28) about going to boarding school at age 5 in Imperial Valley, Californiia, her Croatian mother, and her career as a nurse.

Poppy’s life story

We talked mostly about childhood memories. Some about jobs and schools mostly.

Interviewing the person I’ve know my whole life… but I don’t really know, my mom

For a school project we had to interview someone in our lives and I choose my mom, so this is that a whole 45 minuets of a child and a mother learning more about one another!

Interview with Laura Hernandez

Both my mother’s past and future were discussed in this interview. Details concerning her adolescence and hopes for the future were brought into light. Details also concerning our characters were discussed.

Charlie Szur and Michaela Brenner

turning one of our many facetime chats into an interview where i ask Charlie about his childhood, his college experience, and what it means to go home to an unaccepting culture.

The Great Listen of 2020- A Conversation with Jaslyn and her Mom!

In this interview, I, Jaslyn, learn about my mother’s past and learn if she ever had an regrets. I learn how her past has affected her life and formed her into the person she is today!

Mother’s Interview

This was an interiview done by me to my mom. She told me some of her greatest memories of her childhood and me. She also talked about her biggest influence in her life and proudest moments.