Vietnam Story with Pop Pop

An interview with my 72 year old grandfather. He is a Captain US Army Retired. This is his Vietnam Story

Jeff’s Army Story

My father was a combat medic in the years before and during the Gulf War. This is his story.

John and nate

This interview was fun to take. I tried to focus on important stuff.

A Break from Reality

Joey Miller Calleja shares his experience enlisting in the US Navy. He reflects on how

Leah Aureli Interviewing Charles Wells

Me and my grandfather talked about his childhood and how he grew up. We also mentioned his time in the military and how it was significant in his life.

Arrogance and Vietnam

David Sylvester (my grandpa is in his seventies and reflects on his formative high school and college years. He discusses when he marries his wife (my grandma), and his experiences throughout high school and college. The Vietnam War and the...

Women’s Stereotypes in the Military

A glimpse into the life of a woman in the military. A discussion of stereotypes in the modern military.