A Grandfather With Much to Tell (Heritage Project AOT)

My grandpa, age 81, tells stories about growing up in the country, travelling the world, and learning and loving with his family. (Note: Photo is from when the recorder was much younger)

Interview with my great grandpa for social studies

I interviewed my great grandpa for social studies and asking him questions from his past


Baek SUK talks about his experience before the Korean War, during the Korean War and after the Korean War.

Me, My Grandpa And The Detroit Tigers

This is a touching story about Bill Fundaro as he talks about his life through the years. The main topic is his family and his many jobs he has had throughout his life. He is currently celebrating his 50th consecutive...

How Dad met Mom

Richard Cooper recounts the story of when he met his bride-to-be.


We talked about the story of his life. We also talked about what military life is like.