Growing up speaking a different language

Brooke Kangas (18) talks with her grandmother, Grace Kangas (75) about her childhood growing up speaking Finish and how it has affected her life today.

Roberta Johnson

Discussing nursing school and the nursing profession with Roberta Johnson (77)

Elisa Hays & Lisa Coronado

Elisa recounted her incredible tale of being struck by a semi-truck, hurtling 90 feet, and impaling herself on a guardrail. Despite all odds, she miraculously survived, defying reason. However, her path to recovery has been arduous, riddled with numerous health...

Child loss and International Adoption

experience of losing a child from a disease the mother had that led the family to adoption. They later had a healthy child that did not have any issues relating to the disease.

Kelven Kai & Karen Miranda International student experiences, Education, and Relationships.

Karen Miranda is an international student in Concordia that studied in a UWC (United World College) in German. Prior to UWC Karen did not speak English and struggled during her first year in this international school. In this interview, she...

Quianna Canada and Sheila Connolly

Quianna Canada interviews Cork Alliance Centre CEO, Sheila Connolly, about supporting previously incarcerated people in Cork, Ireland, through her organisation's services. Connolly's motto is "ubuntu," which is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. In my opinion, Connolly leads...

Mat Paulson and Gavin Bakke- The zoo

Mat Paulson (51) talks with a good friend, Gavin Bakke (19) about his time in the Wildlife industry. He talks about the humanity of it and what was done to make the zoos better for the animals. He also talks...

The Value of Life and Stewardship – Mitchel Branden

Mitchel Branden (58) talks with his daughter, Tasha Branden (19) about how his life influenced his time in the U.S. Navy (1980-1984) and how the navy influenced his life post service.

Noelle Martin and Shihru Martin: Facing Discrimination in a New Country

Shihru Martin (55) talks with her daughter, Noelle Martin (19) about her experiences moving from Taiwan to the United States and the challenges she faced with discrimination and the simple tasks having to do with language barriers and culture shock.

Hunter McKay and Deborah McKay

We talked about her journey with battling breast cancer and raising a family. We also discussed what she believes the breast cancer community should know.

When a Camera is Man's Best Friend

Brenden Jankowski gives us an inside look into what life is like as an amateur photographer and his experiences with just him and his camera.