Small Voices

A little walk down memory lane of a man who came from little, and has earned everything he got. It's not a Hollywood story, but it's a good one.

Alvin Dee Larson

Service in the Military, memories of his Father

"Find joy in success"

I interview my mom, Stephanie Kirk, and ask her questions about her life in Salt Lake City. We talk about her career as an interior designer, some life lessons, and impactful experiences.

Interview with Grandpa Norby

Liesel Norby interviewed Scott Norby, her grandpa. There were a lot of questions about family history and his work and family life.

Karen Pell and John Byrnes

One Small Step partners Karen Pell (69) and John Byrnes (57) talk about the partisan divide, their connections to the military, and the debate around gun control.

My fathers story

This is my dads life and what he was like as a child. Also what his life is like now and some memories of me.