Janet Hamiln and Alex Wu

Andover Stories of American Identity: a conversation with Janet Hamlin about her extraordinary childhood and life that gives her perspective to be compassionate and passionate.

Ralph Bledsoe and Alex Wu

Andover Stories of American Identity: Born in Compton, California, Ralph Blesdoe, a descendant of slaves, recounts his amazing journey of becoming a beloved science teacher at Andover High School.

The Sarkisians and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: An interview with multiple generations of the Sarkisian family, where they share how their ancestors fled the Armenian Genocide, their lifestyle growing up on the family-owned farm, establishing a legacy in Andover, and how their...

Chris Klein & Alex Wu

Chris Klein, an Andover native and author, discusses his German and Irish roots. He recounts his life growing up amidst classism in the 1980s. Inspired by AP US History class, he discovered his passion for research-based writing, determined to preserve...

Indira Garcia and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Indira Garcia was born in Chile during the 1973 Chilean coup d'état, which had a significant effect on her childhood. She was raised in Mexico with a strong focus on intellectualism and family bonds. She...

David Fazio & Alex Wu

David “Faz” Fazio, a beloved Andover High School basketball coach and gym teacher, who has made gym fun for all of his students, talks about how his high school coach helped him see past his challenging childhood. During his 34-year...

Xi Hua Zhao and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Xi Hua Zhao was born in China, where he lived a happy and modest life. He moved to the United States over a decade ago to help his daughter take care of his grandchild, and...