Yuhan Jiang and Cynthia Cottrell discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency.

Yuhan interviews Cindy about her success in transforming our community, the lessons she has learned, and her future plans. Cindy contributed the success to "the generosity of the long-time community member donating the land." She witnessed how small steps can...

Zara and Elle discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency

Zara introduced her strategies for promoting change regarding transportation to and from work and within her community! We discussed these changes and how they allowed her community to respond to the climate crisis.

Joe Durham and Brian Goetz discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Brian Goetz interviews Joe Durham on the successes that his community (near Lake Michigan) has achieved adapting to the climate crisis in the past ten years out of necessity for their local economy.

Lia Twigg and Lindsay Magid Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency and Neighborhood Resilience.

Lia Twigg interviews her long-time friend Lindsay Magid about her life Ann Arbor after the success of the A2 Climate Action Plan in 2030. They speak about how the transformation to a sustainable, zero emissions lifestyle began, along with the...

Luke & Jordan discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Luke & Jordan enact a thought experiment of what a sustainable future will look like and how we got there. Specifically imagining being in the year 2030 having achieved carbon neutrality, Luke answers questions about how his community came together...

Benjamin Steinhoff and Jake Gottesman discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency

Jake Gottesman interviews Benjamin Steinhoff on how he contributed to helping his community move away from typical grass lawns. Steinhoff discusses the changes made to reduce this water-heavy practice.

A Dinner With Strangers

Many of us crave community - to know our neighbors, to share a meal. In a future which will hold immense challenges, we will need each other - even more than we already do. We hope this serves as an...