Sy Barry and Alex Wu

Sy Barry recounts his story of how he overcame his tough childhood through his passion and love for drawing. Eventually becoming a renowned comic book and comic strip artist, he was able to find success and contentment in both his...

Seema Gupte and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Seema Gupte, born and raised in India, talks about her childhood living between her family’s farm and in the city. After immigrating to America, she adjusted to the many cultural differences. Once she moved to...

David Fazio & Alex Wu

David “Faz” Fazio, a beloved Andover High School basketball coach and gym teacher, who has made gym fun for all of his students, talks about how his high school coach helped him see past his challenging childhood. During his 34-year...

Zhi Qing Chen and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Zhi Qing Chen, born in Wuhan, China, talks about his life growing up amidst the violence of the Second Sino-Japanese War. He moved to America over a decade ago to care for his grandchild, and...

Ajita Bhat and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Ajita Bhat reflects on her immigration to America in the pursuit of higher education, and how her impressions of the country has evolved. After settling in Andover, she quickly found community, and eventually became the...