Grandpa Volz and his involvement in the Vietnam War

The inside story to how an ordinary young man gets drafted into the Vietnam War. He shares his experiences in the Vietnam War along with childhood memories.

Interview story with Dad

We talked about what it was like growing up in Colorado for him

Great Thanksgiving Listen with my mom

An interview of how my moms life changed throughout the years. How her life has been shaped, and how that was passed down to her children.

Rachael Foote

11-year-old Rachael talks about her proudest moments, her happiest moments, her room, and advice for her adult self.

Maribel talks about the struggles in life and the lessons she learned

In this interview, December 1, 2019 in LA California, we talk with Maribel Estrada who is 34 years old. Maribel shares the important lessons in life and the life she lived through. Mostly the struggle that she has been through...

Niels and Char meeting at BYU

Niels emigrated from Denmark with Mother and younger sister, studied at BYU, and met his wife Char before going on a mission back to Denmark.

Great Thanksgiving Listen

Me and my grandmother discussed her past and memories. We also explored every aspect of the things she remembers and what her life was about.

Interview with my dad, William Keltz, November 2015

I’ve got Dad (born 1939 in Colorado, USA) trapped after Thanksgiving...I ask him about his life since meeting my mom (Anke Breier Keltz, born 1940 in Germany) and what it was like to marry a German in post-WWII United States.

Jeff Runnfeldt talks about his young life

Jeff Runnfeldt grew up in California and Colorado. He talks about the changes he had to make in his life in college.

Cornerstone Interview: Place

I interviewed my 93 year-old great grandmother for my CU Boulder Cornerstone project with the theme of Place.