Mackenzie Logie + Mr. Raymond Moran

Raymond Moran speaks with Mackenzie Logie about life and his experience.

2022 Great Thanksgiving interview
November 28, 2022 App Interview

Olivia Lovett (16) talks with her great uncle Al Bennett (84) about his life in the military, how he met his wife, his career after that, what family means to him and opinions about the world

We Need More Teachers Like Her!

My name is Ozan Kara and I am a 17 years old cultural exchange student from Turkey. As an high school student in Bloomington, Indiana, I have had the chance to know a wonderful person, Vanessa Domizlaff, my German teacher...

Mi intrevista con mi Pador Amador Reyes

I love my grandpa I asked him a few personal questions lol anyway we all did a very good job so yay that was are interview and thanks to my translator Gabriela and also also my aunt

Jameson Interviews Tricia about Lena Teinila, Her Mother's Unsolved Murder, Rejection, and Reconciliation

Jameson O'Neal talks with his mother, Tricia O'Neal, about her mother, Lena Teinila, as well as several other family members. Jameson and Tricia discuss rejection, reconciliation, and how those life lessons come full circle. Lena Teinila's homicide is the only...

Maynard "Dick" Dixon

"There wasn't nothin' goin' on around there anyway:" A grandfather's stories from Rainelle, WV to Hopewell, VA. Maynard "Dick" Dixon tells stories from his childhood and brief career in coal mining in Rainelle, WV, a stint in Arlington, VA, and...

my grandma's life as a kid and as a young adult Brayden Valdez 12-5-20 5th hour

Brayden Valdez (14) talks with his grandma, Sarah Valdez (84) about her childhood and interesting stories in Illnois and Michigan in the 1930's and 1940's.