Interview With My Opa

Born one of seven in World War Two Germany, Emil (Mike) Kropf speaks about his life—his experience coming to America, being drafted in the U.S. army, meeting the love of his life on a train and coming back to raise...

interview with mom (florence catania)

My mom and I talked mostly about her childhood and what her life was like since she lived in France and England. I also learned a lot about my grandparents and what their life was like.

My favorite person

I asked my grandma a multitude of questions. We talked about her life growing up, meeting my grandpa and everything in between.

Ilse Casolari

Ilse talked about her trasition from Germany to America and the different jobs she has had.

Michel and Anne Marie Beaumont in Bordeaux

While I was traveling through France, I stayed with Michel and Anne at their home in Bordeaux before leaving for Tarbes.

11/26/18 – Interview with Dad

There was the mention of the importance of education, life lessons, professional satisfaction and growth, stories of moving between countries (and the courage in doing so), retold WWII anecdotes, globalization, and some dating advice.